Tuesday 26 June 2007

Are you sitting comfortably.....

Well, everyone is doing it, so I thought i'd give it a go too.

Not sure how regular I'll be able to update - but hey that's life.

Originally from Manchester, I came to Bangor Uni in North Wales and got stuck.

It's all the fault of the bloomin Scout Association too - helped a friend in need, went on a course and ended up meeting the other half there...the rest is history.

9 Years later, we've been married 7 years and have two fabby little girls (4yrs and 2 yrs). I have returned to work in the last 12 months and have a fab boss and great collegue.

I do loadsa voluntary stuff - i initial joined them to keep from getting bored but then the kids arrived... have tried to quit but many of the groups would fold and that's not fair on the kids who can be bothered to come to the groups - ARGHHHHHHH.... It's a good job that my two love doing stuff with me at the moment innit!

Will eventually list all the bits and bobs i do - but for this initial thingly i'll not bore you all.

Am at work too - so doing this on the quite while boss out!!!!!!

Will do a proper thing when at home and i can add photies and things....

That'll do for now i think...

here goes - let's press the button..

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